No movie in recent decades better captures men’s confused, complicated view of women than the brilliant “High Fidelity.”
It’s time to rediscover Tucker Max—no, seriously.
They say a picture is words a thousand words. We have only one: Wow!
Make sure your son can put a check mark next to each of the books on this list, books every young man should read before he learns to drive, and every old man should reread before he dies.
What do you do when a super-credentialed research scientist writes a positive book on the pursuit of pleasure? You buy it, hold its words deep in your brain—then exhale. And if you like it, you tell your friends. Dr. Hart is an guide to pursuit of functional pleasure.
Her profession, and her focus have given her a unique perspective on fathers, fatherhood — and divorce. check out Marilyn York.
He's the Planned Man's favorite pinhead: a smart man with a great message.
Two guys meet at a party. Soon, they're billionaires. Why? Because of the price of razor blades.
Episode 1208 of the Joe Rogan Experience is a firehose of brilliance. Give Joe and Jordan three hours or so and they'll give you an incredible ROI.
A good friend sent me a YouTube link of Kid Rock’s recently released single —“Don’t Tell me How to Live”—advising me turn up the volume to the max and be prepared to have my world Kid Rocked! My ears and soul are still ringing.
Old Dominion's “All I Know About Girls” is a smooth narcotic for doing time with the opposite sex with a smile.
The King’s Man shows shows that in the breast of every self-righteous-do-gooder is a tyrant clawing itself out and making messes. The rest is as they say is history. A history in need of the King's Man.
History is not a series of do-overs. If we learned anything from "The End of History", it's that it's not over. At all.
Bill Burr is the most “undeniable,” on-the-mark comedian of our cultural revolution. His diagnosis, prognosis and prescription are spot-on for what ails the feverishly woke American mind.
"Family law" is just another empty phrase. Biased against men, unconcerned about children, in "family law," fathers are always guilty and families always pay the price.
Politics is not a game of Texas Hold'em. Russia lacks our bankroll but they do have balls in spades. A pair of balls willing do what we are unwilling to do in this case. Here are two aces—presently unused—that could avoid war.
Once, 'Playboy' was considered the most sophisticated men's magazine in America. Then came 'Treats!'
Christopher Hitchens was a wonderful polemicist—first rate—and as good as Nietzsche but without the madness born of syphilis.
Here's a true story: A guy turns on Netflix and finds a brilliant film called 'True Story'.
If you want to live the good life, first read the instructions. They're all in the 'Robb Report'.
So how do you teach your kid, if not to fear death, then at least to respect it?
The Masshole diaspora has a deep bench of "Undeniable” talent on which PM will build better Planned-Man versions of our best selves.
Gay men are making it better for the rest of us, by taking themselves out of the competition for hot chicks. Planned Man owes them a debt of public and personal gratitude for that.
Few books stand the test of time. George Gilder’s “Sexual Suicide” is one of them.
Who's your dadi? Ours is Dadi, Inc., a provider of secure, simple sperm storage systems.
Just when you think he's right, he's left. Truth is, Bill Maher is never where you think he is politically. He's where he wants to be.
Dave Portnoy is a lucky guy who made fame and fortune the easy way—he gave men what they wanted: sports and gambling. The girls and pizza are enjoyed as well.
Substack is quickly becoming a more diverse, trusted website than those operated by most news organizations.
Joe Rogan—this guy has some manly range: comedian, ring commentator. He’s a black belt’s black belt. But Rogan’s gift to the world is The Joe Rogan Experience—an experience that is showing the way forward to a shared, sane lane.
The Chive is more than just a website for men. It's also a men's mirror with a huge number of female contributors.
Robert L. Woodson stepped out of a difficult background to show how to build a future based on personal responsibility.
Dana White is the genius who paid $2 million for three little letters—U-F-C—and used them to spell "success".
Tim Ferriss is the 60-minute man — times four, but we're still waiting for the 'four-hour quickie.'
We believe in equality for all. But that doesn't mean we are all the same. For example, here's a woman who's just better than the rest.
Sean O'Reilly knows the difference between your inner dick and your happy package. And he says either way, to be a man, you need to get a grip.
What made the West best, it turns out, is smart dating and solid mating.
Give our underworld man a couple of grapefruits and a blonde wig and he sounds like Dolly!
If what you're wearing today is the same thing you were wearing five, ten or fifteen years ago, it's time you stop and think about how your boring wardrobe is killing your boring career.
When Bill Burr speaks, even wives listen. That's to our benefit, even if it makes us just a little anxious.
Tiger, and emergence of an American Super Hero, find out how....
The difference between the Swiss Guard and the Swiss Army? The knife, which is actually useful.
Tiger holds up to a “warts and all” examination better than most of us might. The documentary got my creative juices flowing. I envisioned a graphic comic series that becomes a blockbuster movie: a new American Avenger, built around golf.
“Scent of a Woman” is really About the scent of a man: Frank’s defense of Charlie captures the ideal of manliness, which PM exists to nurture, defend, entertain and serve.
What is Independence Day without music? To help you celebrate the birth of our nation from picnic to party to personal reflection to fireworks, we offer these four perfect July 4 playlists.
If you want to win, you have to be “Relentless”—and you can learn what it takes here from the championship trainer who worked with Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Charles Barkley and many other pro athletes.
Revenge - The Case for and Against: Would anyone still be talking about "The Princess Bride" if instead of saying "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die," he had said "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to be forgiven"?
Another day, another snip. How Dr Doug Stein and filmmaker Jonathan Stack are changing men's lives one vasectomy at a time.
Until you've heard it performed live, you may never have truly heard it performed. Here's a tribute to a few bands and performers who really deliver for the audience from the stage.
Odds may be against you ever overcoming the greatest hardships you have encountered, but this book, "The Fifteen Percent", will help you understand how to recognize and change those odds so they work in your favor.
Home-ownership is a kind of personal Everest. Here are the five secrets you need to know before starting your climb.
What do a Navy SEAL, a best-selling author, a college professor, a fitness guru, a brewery founder and an entrepreneur all have in common? They're all Mark Devine.
The only thing standing between poor you and rich you are the two cards in front of you. Wanna bet?
Yeah, you know you’ll need one for that DUI arrest and your divorce. But you may not be thinking about lawyers the way you should. Here’s a grown-up’s guide to legal help.
Actor Bill Murray has turned being a celebrity into an art-form full of pranks that deliver joy to others around him in his hometown of Charleston SC. And another local celebrity in Charleston named Bob shows how anyone can become a local celebrity.
Budgeting your money is the master plan of a planned life. Here’s how to take control of your cash and live a financially secure life.
There are many reasons why we hate self-help books, but one of the biggest is that self-help gurus only seem able to succeed if they prove to you that you suck and they don’t—this guy is the exception.
How is it that CNN's Jeffrey Toobin gets caught on Zoom pleasuring himself in front of his work colleagues and gets a six-month time-out (and is now back on the air), while LCK is apparently banned for life. Ironic? No. it’s despotic.
Want to bring a higher level of fitness to both your body and your mind? If so, here's how to choose a martial art that will give you greater control, greater confidence in a fight, greater balance — and maybe even give you the thrill of breaking a few boards.
The cardinal sin of any first date — hell, any date — is boredom. Here are some shake-it-up ideas that will provide an interesting date whether you ultimately hit it off or not.
Think you can avoid opportunities to gamble? A double-sawbuck sez you're wrong.
The world is full of ways to lose money—and a bookie can help you find them all.
'Because I always took care of everybody, everybody wanted to work for me.'
In a media world where sports coverage is increasingly politicized, Barstool Sports has succeeded big time by breaking the mold. It sticks to sports.
Today, there are fewer and fewer shared experiences when traveling, so the destination really does matter more than the journey.
Some career counseling from a very wise guy: "If you go from a soldier to a capo, it's because you earned your way to the top."
How to cure a hangover? Yes, not drinking too much is one solution. But let's skip that one...and move on to some real cures for fun people who like to have real fun by really drinking a lot.
Unlike many other interviews where Peterson answers many of the same questions and responds to many of the usual charges, here Rob Moore engages Peterson in an exchange that feels a lot more like two guys in a bar knocking back a couple of beers.
“Yellowstone” is a monumental drama of ranchers stuck fighting old enemies on the ascent and new opponents of progress.
Sometimes it’s smart to judge people by others who hate them. That’s why we want to make sure you are paying attention to one of our heroes, Jordan Peterson.
Yes, pride, greed, lust, envy, sloth, gluttony, and wrath sound, well, if not bad, at least entertaining. But the "new" sins of men today also need to be called out.
Got a problem? Sure, you can try to hide it. Or like the guy behind Hannibal Lecter, you talk about your problem on social media just in case someone else sees your post and might have the same problem as you.
At some point, a man has to show up looking good. That means having the wardrobe fundamentals at home, in stock, and ready to wear. If all you've got in your drawers and closet are faded t-shirts and cargo shorts, it's time to go shopping. Here’s your list.
More Yoda-lore from a wise-guy. This episode: Location, location, location. So where to settle for a half-century after you've done a couple of homicides?
You think you know tough? If so, try our “Toughest Sports” quiz and find out which is tougher: Boxing, Football or Ice Hockey? Or which rodeo sport is toughest: Bronc Riding, Calf Roping or Steer Wrestling?
Surviving Prison is not self evident. Joe and guests discuss the basic rules. PlannedMan has is own, resident Wise Guy, Louis Ferrante, Gambino soldier, and author of Unlocked: From Prison to Proust.
Before Steve Martin became famous for his white suit and the arrow through his head — and for being a "wild and crazy guy" on Saturday Night Live, he didn't seem that much more clever than the rest of us, as you can see from his appearance on 'The Dating Game'.
We agree with Quentin Tarantino, the guy who brought us "Kill Bill" and "Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction," when he described "Easy Rider" as the movie that "...might be the single greatest example of '60s cinema in almost every way."
Even though Atticus Finch makes this appeal to the jury in the Tom Robinson rape trial, "In the name of God, do your duty," if you watch carefully, you'll realize he's making the same appeal to you.
The World Atlas has now put some numbers to our most manly of manly sporting exploits. So you think you know danger? Prove it here.
Maher said one can be "pro-Dave" and not anti-trans, citing a phenomenon he calls the "One True Opinion."
There's a peak-performer mindset for every activity you engage in, from sports to work performance and even to sexual performance. You just have to find it.
Kay Hymowitz is a Planned Man’s friend. This brilliant journalist and scholar likes real Men, and is firmly on the side of doing right by them.
Socks during sex? Before you say no, give us a chance to change your mind.
Tobacco stocks are like the movie "Indecent Proposal": A million dollars to do something that some, perhaps even you, find morally objectionable. Worth it? As Redford's character says: "Think of it. A lifetime of security... for one night."
Car buying in the age of the internet is simultaneously easier and more challenging than it has ever been. Here’s how to get a great deal on your next ride.
If you are a fan of 'Yellowstone', you’ll like '1883'. The prequel is in the running to be an equal.
We don’t agree with ‘The New York Times’ very often, but they nailed it in Tucker Max’s case: “Highly entertaining and thoroughly reprehensible.”
Vegas for your next bachelor party? Or you could make sure it’s a bachelor party blowout that feels fresh and original, and something both the groom and groomsmen will remember for all the right reasons.
As men, we like tools. We like owning tools, buying tools, and using tools. The good news is, your same love of tools can be applied when it comes to cleaning your house.
A good game requires good rules. And the first rule of rule-making is keep it logical. That's where the trouble starts.
More of us ought to be like Layng. You need to get to know him, to be like him.
Ever been so drunk that you began to wonder about the history of your favorite drink? Yeah, us too. Ever been so drunk you almost felt like you had reverted back from human back to ape? Turns out, that's no coincidence...
A robbery occurs every 1.7 minutes, an aggravated assault every 39 seconds, and a violent crime goes down every 24.6 seconds, according to the FBI’s “Crime Clock.” Are you and your family prepared for the unexpected?
Jordan Peterson abandons twitter’s cage to perch his undeniable talent on the Daily Wire. The mainstream is going to get noticeably dumber in the great professor’s absence.
To successfully launch his business, Kenneth Cole had to think fast, change the name of his company and tell the mayor of NYC just one, little, white lie. There’s a lot to be learned from Kenneth Cole’s story when it comes to your career.
Even if Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry can't help you find a belief in God, we're pretty sure Blaise Pascal can. He is the guy, after all, who first invented roulette, and then invented the ultimate betting system designed to save your soul.
It was one of the great dilemmas of modern mob history: What to do about the mobster who'd accidentally killed a federal agent? Herein an insider's account.
The "Don't Be a Dumbass" Diet: Eat more healthy food. Eat less shitty food. And get a little exercise every day. That's it. Of course, because you're not a dumbass you already knew all that. But if you're like most us, you know it but you don't do it. We're here to help.
It’s easier than ever to be a digital nomad working in paradise instead of in a cubicle.
“...the better measure of ‘Lonesome Dove’s’ import is anecdotal. If you know a Texan named Gus under the age of twenty, odds are he was named after McCrae. I know two such kids—and one is a girl.”
Looking back, I wish my Dad would have told me to go get a job at the local hair salon, sweeping up the hair and stocking boxes and folding smocks to benefit from being around lots of women in an environment that is all theirs, so I could watch, listen and learn.
Curiosity is the instinct that prompts us to act, so a book about curiosity should tell us how to act. This is the first to do so with its 12 rules for life.
The best things about the best things in life may not even be those things. If that sounds confusing, read on and discover a great lesson about the art of embracing rituals as an essential part of pleasure.
Blaire White joins Joe Rogan on the Joe Rogan Experience and opens up to Joe about Her DMT Experience in regards to her pursuit of pleasure.
Tools fall into the “better to have and not need than need and not have” category of life necessities. But tools are like wisdom – you accumulate them with age. So here are the tools you need as you rise through life.
Used to be, a guy would need three, or four or even seven suits. Today? Most of us will get by with just one for the rest of our lives. So what kind of suit should it be? Let us be your personal shopper for a few minutes, and we'll tell you everything you need to know.
Ron White goes on The Joe Rogan Experience and opens up about his Ayahuasca Experience.
Dr Carl Hart discusses whether there is a relationship between Schizophrenia and Drug Use?
In a few broad strokes, here's how one founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, used the same kind of Roth IRA that you and I have, to create $5 billion in untaxed income. You do have a Roth IRA, right?
Bill Maher goes on the Joe Rogan Experience and shares his view on the hunger for common sense
Dakota Meyer describes what Ibogain Therapy is like for PTSD on the joe rogan experience
Sean Connery’s views on women, relationships and masculinity. Lets see if they are what you think they are
Stephen Pinker shares his view on What Happened on Being Rational on the Joe Rogan Experience
Lori Loughlin — aka Aunt Becky — pulled some strings and paid some money to get her kid into USC. Why'd she do it? Because she could. So now the rest of us should ask ourselves, "If I had the same money and connections, would I do the same thing?"
Find out HBO's Bill Maher view on the Florida legislature education reform bill that instructs teachers not to talk about sexuality to K through 3rd graders dubbed "Don't Say Gay" by the left.
David Mamet appeared on Bill Maher's HBO program to discuss his latest book, "The Recessional On The Death of Free Speech and the Cost of a Free Lunch," and what the impact of cancel culture could mean for the future of America.
Listen to the author of Drug Use for Grownups, Dr. Carl Hart talk with Joe Rogan about Cocaine. Our review of the must read book and the functional pursuit of pleasure follows.
Ray Dalio's Changing world order is practical guide to the rise and fall of empires over the last five hundred years of history. Watch this video to learn more about it.
While "civil rights" may seem like a uniquely American concept dating back to the end of the Civil War, the history of "civil rights" actually begins with Homer. (Not Simpson. That other one.)
Theo Von Tried Ketamine Therapy. He shares the experience here
Jordan Peterson on Joaquin Phoenix in his role as the Joker
On our planet, there are nine ways to become a millionaire superstar without messing with hedge funds.
HBO host Bill Maher explains how a laughing Will Smith learned to "conform" to his wife's displeasure at a joke at her expense is a symptom of people not being able to handle humor.
so angry, so entitled, so violent...and yet so loyal... Tony Soprano
Bill Maher delves into what “higher education” in America really is and why there should not be student loan debt forgiveness:
Even though he died of an overdose in 1966 at 39, Lenny Bruce's impact on comedy and free speech was profound; even if you find him crude or worse, you have to admire his testicularity.
Yeah, we like Hold ‘Em, too, but there’s a whole world out there. So why not try these new games at your next poker night?
Part of what makes 'Meatballs' so great is that it’s almost impossible to explain what it’s about. In fact, director Ivan Reitman said when Bill Murray took one look at the script, he quickly dropped it into the nearest trashcan.
There are many reasons we hate self-help books. One of the biggest is they’re constantly telling you that if you would just do this one, crucial thing, well, that would just change your whole life. But “the slight edge” is different.
Not just Comedy is under assault in Los Angeles. The reasoning provided by Gascón’s office is tortured and reflects the habit of mind currently torturing Los Angelenos.
Puberty is an exciting time for guys. Our voices get deeper and our muscles get bigger. But testosterone does something else: It makes our hair fall out. Time to face these nine follicle facts.
As a former collegiate athlete himself, Fabio used his own experience to know that one of the most empowering things we could for our minds and our bodies during the pandemic was to prepare for battle, to be "Ready for Sport." And to wear a mask, of course.
“Seeing is given to everyone, touching to a few.“ If Machiavelli is right—and on this point he certainly is—we should listen to Peterson’s advice and stop dressing like overgrown 10 year olds. Big techs “hoodie’ fashion, makes men look like big children.
"Best Cocktail Recipes" is subjective of course; for instance, this list doesn't include "Sex on the Beach" or "Sex in the Jungle" because we're trying to act somewhat mature. (But we do include a link to "Dirty, Sexual Cocktails" from Pinterest, just in case you need it.)
If smoking a cigarette after sex is good, how does vaping or smoking pot after sex compare?
Why women are not funny? Punchline: They don’t have to be funny. Humor is a guy thing. If a man lack money, good looks, and charm, be better be funny. If a man is without any of these stand out qualities, he is involuntarily celibate.
A true story: Sigmund Freud's nephew fought discrimination against women by their husbands in 1929; he organized an Easter Sunday protest to force husbands to allow women to smoke. His protest went viral overnight, and soon women could smoke just about any damn place they wanted.
Good morning, it's Friday, Aug. 27, 2021, the day of the week when I reprise quotations intended to be uplifting or educational.
Some of our greatest heroes are above us in many ways. A down-to-earth comparison may be even more inspiring.
'Woke' ideas are illogical – which doesn't matter, because they are based on emotion, not on rational thought.
As the National Hurricane Center tracks another storm system gathering strength in the Caribbean Sea, I'll again invoke the memory of a human hurricane (the good kind): Sen. Hubert Horatio Humphrey
On this date in 1875, a band of Apache Indians battled a unit of Texas Rangers near the Concho River. The indecisive skirmish was one of hundreds of lethal 19th century encounters between Plains Indians and white soldiers, civilians, or paramilitaries.
Be 'non-racial' and proud, because the race by those who want to fragment and destroy our society is the only race that matters.
On this date in 1869, a handful of soldiers and officers who'd fought on the storied fields at Gettysburg returned to the scene of the decisive battle.
Ground control had questions for the Spaceman. His answers were, as usual, far-out.
The story the 'Washington Post' wants to tell is that police shoot first and ask questions later — even when they're looking down the barrel of a replica handgun brandished by a real bad guy.
Hi! What's your sign? Dildo? Vibrator? Man-sized tutu? Here's a woman with the answers.