Her profession, and her focus have given her a unique perspective on fathers, fatherhood — and divorce. check out Marilyn York.
Old Dominion's “All I Know About Girls” is a smooth narcotic for doing time with the opposite sex with a smile.
"Family law" is just another empty phrase. Biased against men, unconcerned about children, in "family law," fathers are always guilty and families always pay the price.
If pain is unexpected fatherhood, then a vasectomy is pure and permanent relief.
Let’s be impartial: nobody should actually profit from a divorce.
When folks say "Karen" today, I think they are developing a profile of women that is very close to the C-word
Both will be better served if you see the other as a “cell mate.” When you say, “I do” say it to your soulmate.
The Pill affects a woman's natural factory mate-selection settings. It pharmacologically induces women to favor the Mangina as a date and as a mate. Call it "Pill-Vision."
My buddy is making his Planned Man debut with his first comment on the sixth Commandment—"Honor thy Father...". He shows what that Commandment means to all with eyes to see and without a whiff or sound of woe-is-me grief.
Smart men know paradise isn't a place you can see by the dashboard light. It's the destination at the end of a carefully planned route.
So how do you teach your kid, if not to fear death, then at least to respect it?
Men are in a state of arrested adolescence because they no longer have to work hard for sex. In a world of abundant, free or pay-by-the-glass milk, few men need or want their own.
The female brain is approximately 3.125 times more complicated than our simple manly minds. A good thing, too.
Guy took our cause and went through the simple process that made it a plan — and did so on tape. Verdict: Easy-peasy, no reason to get queasy.
News Alert: It turns out that the presence of a father in a home matters a lot. Good news: it does not require a lot. Just one thing: being there.
Imagine a modern woman— sexually liberated and not on the pill—with a nose for the right guy to date and mate. That's a modern world made for men and women—and for the survival of the species.
At the risk of sounding a little syrupy, I have to say one of the great rewards of being the father of daughters is hearing them giggle together late into the night.
Gay men are making it better for the rest of us, by taking themselves out of the competition for hot chicks. Planned Man owes them a debt of public and personal gratitude for that.
Few books stand the test of time. George Gilder’s “Sexual Suicide” is one of them.
PM breaks it down for you: One of the best investments you can make for yourself as a man is to put some of your sperm in the deep freeze, and then get a vasectomy.
You can always rely on those who know you best.
Imagine a black Don Draper telling women the truth about what men really think. Not Hallmark myths that lead to unfilled dreams and unhappy lives, but effectual truths, the knowledge of which, just might help both sexes escape our shared sexual misery.
Hey Google, We don't want 165 million results in .53 seconds; we just want you to tell us what we need to know about having a 529 plans for your kids.
What is “the root of all evil?” This: What is pleasurable is habit-forming. If you remember anything from this conversation it's that pleasure is the root cause of mankind’s war on fun.
It’s time to rediscover Tucker Max—no, seriously.
Ever notice how nobody saves for the past? The future is what savings is all about.
Who's your dadi? Ours is Dadi, Inc., a provider of secure, simple sperm storage systems.
Your last words may be memorable, but if you really want your survivors to pay attention, have a lawyer put those words in your will.
What made the West best, it turns out, is smart dating and solid mating.
"Travel magazines are just one cupcake after another. They're not about travel. The travel magazine is, in fact, about the opposite of travel. It's about having a nice time on a honeymoon, or whatever." — Paul Theroux
If you want to see a highly nuanced moral compass at work, ask a child which way is "right."
Pull up a chair — but not too close! We're going to talk about sex.
The difference between the Swiss Guard and the Swiss Army? The knife, which is actually useful.
'Do I look fat in this?' is not a question. It's a test—to see if you remember what Nancy Reagan taught you about drugs: Just say no.
What is Independence Day without music? To help you celebrate the birth of our nation from picnic to party to personal reflection to fireworks, we offer these four perfect July 4 playlists.
Since the miracle of Cana, the three rings of dating and mating—engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering—held steady. That is until the 1960s and the advent of the Pill. That's when everything changed.
Mother’s Day is a different sport from Father’s Day. Mother’s Day is the yearly family review. It’s the day when Moms sit back, mimosa in hand, and take stock in her maternal investment portfolio.
Hey Google, we don't want 1.4 billion results in .92 seconds; we just want you to tell us what we need to know about life insurance.
Planned Man’s purpose is revolutionary. Our goal is to inaugurate the second phase of the sexual revolution, where men and women are equal partners in reproductive responsibility.
World-renowned anthropologist Desmond Morris solves an age-old mystery: What IS it about blondes?
Remember: The financial wizards who devise online retirement calculators do so because they want to scare you into investing with them.
Yeah, you know you’ll need one for that DUI arrest and your divorce. But you may not be thinking about lawyers the way you should. Here’s a grown-up’s guide to legal help.
How is it that CNN's Jeffrey Toobin gets caught on Zoom pleasuring himself in front of his work colleagues and gets a six-month time-out (and is now back on the air), while LCK is apparently banned for life. Ironic? No. it’s despotic.
Wake up from this nightmare and have a good hard look—a Christian look—at who men and women really are, and at why marriage of the Christian sort is an antidote to the ugly truth about men and women that the egalitarian dream makes impossible to see.
The cardinal sin of any first date — hell, any date — is boredom. Here are some shake-it-up ideas that will provide an interesting date whether you ultimately hit it off or not.
Today, there are fewer and fewer shared experiences when traveling, so the destination really does matter more than the journey.
Sometimes it’s smart to judge people by others who hate them. That’s why we want to make sure you are paying attention to one of our heroes, Jordan Peterson.
Got a problem? Sure, you can try to hide it. Or like the guy behind Hannibal Lecter, you talk about your problem on social media just in case someone else sees your post and might have the same problem as you.
There's a peak-performer mindset for every activity you engage in, from sports to work performance and even to sexual performance. You just have to find it.
If you prefer the taste of burger over lighter fluid in your mouth when you eat, and would rather not eat to the smell of your own singed hair, then consider PM's four favorite ways to light your fire; with a tip of the fireproof glove to Elon Musk and Hitachi Magic Wand.
Socks during sex? Before you say no, give us a chance to change your mind.
Tobacco stocks are like the movie "Indecent Proposal": A million dollars to do something that some, perhaps even you, find morally objectionable. Worth it? As Redford's character says: "Think of it. A lifetime of security... for one night."
Vegas for your next bachelor party? Or you could make sure it’s a bachelor party blowout that feels fresh and original, and something both the groom and groomsmen will remember for all the right reasons.
As men, we like tools. We like owning tools, buying tools, and using tools. The good news is, your same love of tools can be applied when it comes to cleaning your house.
Your girlfriend or wife. Naked. In front of a roomful of strangers. And it's her hobby. How do you feel about that?
A robbery occurs every 1.7 minutes, an aggravated assault every 39 seconds, and a violent crime goes down every 24.6 seconds, according to the FBI’s “Crime Clock.” Are you and your family prepared for the unexpected?
There are two human animals in America — those clever enough to use tools to do useful things, and those bonobos who can't.
Looking back, I wish my Dad would have told me to go get a job at the local hair salon, sweeping up the hair and stocking boxes and folding smocks to benefit from being around lots of women in an environment that is all theirs, so I could watch, listen and learn.
One Saturday not long ago, my 5-year old daughter Sally got it into her head to put on a play called 'The Princess and the Duke'. Before I knew what it was about, I was urging advice upon her. Turns out, the one who needed advice was me.
Surprising as it is, the statistics are clear: When marriages fall apart, it's usually the woman who ends it.
“Males flirt with blondes—almost reflexively. Perhaps blondes do the same in return.”
No really - they're all good for you: Smoking, having unprotected sex, watching a lot of TV, drinking heavily and getting stressed. Bonus health points when you do all these activities simultaneously.
The best things about the best things in life may not even be those things. If that sounds confusing, read on and discover a great lesson about the art of embracing rituals as an essential part of pleasure.
Want to be a better man? Find a woman even better than you are.
How can you tell there's a civil war coming? Suddenly, nobody around you is civil.
Lori Loughlin — aka Aunt Becky — pulled some strings and paid some money to get her kid into USC. Why'd she do it? Because she could. So now the rest of us should ask ourselves, "If I had the same money and connections, would I do the same thing?"
Even though he died of an overdose in 1966 at 39, Lenny Bruce's impact on comedy and free speech was profound; even if you find him crude or worse, you have to admire his testicularity.
Norman Rockwell was famous for creating some of the most iconic American art, artwork that celebrated American men and boys. And among friends, he was also famous for smoking a pipe.
Part of what makes 'Meatballs' so great is that it’s almost impossible to explain what it’s about. In fact, director Ivan Reitman said when Bill Murray took one look at the script, he quickly dropped it into the nearest trashcan.
Puberty is an exciting time for guys. Our voices get deeper and our muscles get bigger. But testosterone does something else: It makes our hair fall out. Time to face these nine follicle facts.
If smoking a cigarette after sex is good, how does vaping or smoking pot after sex compare?
The father of a gifted child explains the vital importance of gifted programs in our public schools. Losing then, he says, would be tragic for not only for the children, but for the nation.
Going shopping with your wife or girlfriend is confusing. Why? Men buy 'clothes', but women buy 'fashion'.
A true story: Sigmund Freud's nephew fought discrimination against women by their husbands in 1929; he organized an Easter Sunday protest to force husbands to allow women to smoke. His protest went viral overnight, and soon women could smoke just about any damn place they wanted.
"I love Brian Piccolo, and I'd like all of you to love him, too. And tonight, when you hit your knees, please ask God to love him." - Gale Sayers
What's the best damn dog story ever? Hands down, it's "Old Yeller."
“Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel” is the perfect description of how you thought life would be when you were a young man—a life full of commitment, accomplishment, hard work, friendship, loyalty, humility and pride.
First, ask her if she wants you to do it. Then, after she says yes, read this to make sure you get it done right (and don't hurt yourself in the process).