Aunt Becky’s College Admissions Scandal: Shocking? Really??

Lori Loughlin — aka Aunt Becky — pulled some strings and paid some money to get her kid into USC. Why'd she do it? Because she could. So now the rest of us should ask ourselves, "If I had the same money and connections, would I do the same thing?" Tweet

Pulling strings does more than ruin a good sweater...
It's also a way to get your kid into an American university so you can overpay for a mediocre education.
Netflix made a documentary about “Operation Varsity Blues” aka the college admissions scandal…
…that starred Lori Loughlin — aka Aunt Becky from Full House and Netflix’s own Full House sequel called Fuller House:
I’m trying to imagine how this all went down over at Netflix:
Oh, no! Aunt Becky from Fuller House got busted! What should we do?
Lawyer #1: Oh, no! Aunt Becky from Fuller House got busted! What should we do?
Lawyer #2: No need to panic. Maybe we should just leverage what we’ve got, and and use the power of the Aunt Becky and Mossimo brands — and our deep pockets — to make a successful documentary about why Aunt Becky got busted.
Lawyer #1: Can we do that?
Lawyer #2: Of course! We’re Netflix!
And now I’m trying to imagine how the whole “college admissions fraud” thing originally went down at Aunt Becky’s house (her real house with her real family, not her TV house with her TV family):
Aunt Becky (aka Lori Loughlin): Oh, no! There’s no way our child’s going to get into USC on her own! What should we do?
Aunt Becky’s real husband, Mossimo Giannulli: No need to panic. Maybe we should just leverage what we’ve got, and use the power of our Aunt Becky and Mossimo brands — and our deep pockets — to get her in.
Aunt Becky (aka Lori Loughlin): Can we do that?
Aunt Becky’s real husband, Mossimo Giannulli: Of course! We’re Aunt Becky and Mossimo!

Mossimo (left) and Aunt Becky.
And now I’m trying to imagine the conversation as it might go down at your house, if you were a powerhouse brand — with deep pockets — and your kid couldn’t get into the A-list school of his or her choice.
Like Aunt Becky and Mossimo, you only want what’s best for your kids. You will always do whatever you can for them. Right?
And like Netflix, you always want to leverage what you’ve got.
So if you had the brand and the money that Aunt Becky and Mossimo have, is there a chance you might have done the same thing?