Bill Maher: “Higher Education” Is A Racket That Sells You A Very Expensive Ticket To The Upper Middle Class

Bill Maher delves into what “higher education” in America really is and why there should not be student loan debt forgiveness: Tweet
Bill Maher delves into what “higher education” in America really is and why there should not be student loan debt forgiveness:
“Liberals see more school the way Republicans see tax cuts – as the answer to everything. We imagine going to college is the way to fight income inequality, it actually does the reverse…
I know that free college is a leftwing thing, but is it really liberal for someone who doesn’t go to college and makes less money to pay for people who do go and make more? Especially since colleges have turned into giant luxury day care centers with overpaid babysitters anxious to indulge every student whim.”
Maher continued, “I’ve heard this from so many nurses and teachers and administrators rolling their eyes when relating how they needed to take some bulls— course in order to advance in the field when really they’ve already learned what they need by working the job. But in the grift that is our higher education, when you want to move up, ‘Hold on there! Not so fast! Tollbooth ahead! You need to pay for more ’education’ before you we decide you could do what you do.’’