Left Foot In, Children’s TV Is Doing the Wokey Pokey

"Kid-friendly TV shows routinely address sex and race from a woke, LGBTQ perspective" -Christian Toto reports Tweet

Kid-friendly TV shows routinely address sex and race from a woke, LGBTQ perspective, Christian Toto reports for RealClearInvestigations. And more and more they’re facing a backlash, as when PBS’s New York-area affiliate featured “Lil Miss Hot Mess” reading from the performer’s new book “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish” — on a program aimed at children aged three to eight.
There’s much more, as Toto surveys the Great Awokening’s robust profile in children’s programming, and the reactions to it:
- Outlets such as Netflix, Cartoon Network, and NBCUniversal’s Peacock Kids feature content for children covering gay, transgender and nonbinary characters, and plot lines such as characters coming out and same-sex marriage.
- Netflix is preparing an animated version of the board book “Antiracist Baby” by Ibram X. Kendi, based on his adult work.
- Nickelodeon recently announced that its reboot of “Rugrats” will feature a single lesbian mom.
- Barack and Michelle Obama are executive producers on a Netflix series of animated music videos debuting July 4 as “an exuberant call to action for everyone to rethink civics.”
- Proponents of the message-laden TV fare say it continues the didactic mission of shows such as “Sesame Street.”
- But other parents and conservative activists aren’t having it. Children as young as 3 are “not at an age where sexuality is appropriate for them,” says one conservative.
- The trend could well flow from above, as networks’ corporate parents go through woke transformations. Disney, for example, promotes critical race theory in the workplace.
Read full article here.