If pain is unexpected fatherhood, then a vasectomy is pure and permanent relief.
The Pill affects a woman's natural factory mate-selection settings. It pharmacologically induces women to favor the Mangina as a date and as a mate. Call it "Pill-Vision."
The Planned Man is looking for more than a few good men to enlist in building a human-equality movement and an online-entertainment destination.
Smart men know paradise isn't a place you can see by the dashboard light. It's the destination at the end of a carefully planned route.
Guy took our cause and went through the simple process that made it a plan — and did so on tape. Verdict: Easy-peasy, no reason to get queasy.
The pill is great, but a vasectomy is better. And cheaper. And more reliable.
Imagine a modern woman— sexually liberated and not on the pill—with a nose for the right guy to date and mate. That's a modern world made for men and women—and for the survival of the species.
Few books stand the test of time. George Gilder’s “Sexual Suicide” is one of them.
PM breaks it down for you: One of the best investments you can make for yourself as a man is to put some of your sperm in the deep freeze, and then get a vasectomy.
Check out what Gutfeld had to say about our second sexual revolution in this video clip from Fox News!
Doug Stein And Jonathan Stack Join Under the influence with Guy Shepherd check out the highlights here
"If you can think it," goes the mantra, "it must be good." But caution: That's a product of modern thinking that comes without any guarantees.
Planned Man’s purpose is revolutionary. Our goal is to inaugurate the second phase of the sexual revolution, where men and women are equal partners in reproductive responsibility.
For the record, a vasectomy surgery typically has no effect on a man’s sexual desire, ability to get an erection, or produce sperm or ejaculate.
Here’s the headline: men should get reversible vasectomies — not in their thirties and forties after kids, but early as a form of male birth control.
For the past 50 years—there was little reason to talk about this. It was settled. Now it’s not. What will this decision mean in practice? This is my nonpartisan, factual primer attempt.
“I told my buddy, John, about my vasectomy reversal: ‘It was microsurgery. They wore high-powered microscope glasses.’ His smart-ass response: ‘Of course he did...for you!’ But John had no smart-ass response to offer once my third child—my post-vasectomy-reversal child—was born.”
Planned Man— there ought to be a destination for men that celebrates and serves the best for men. That's our plan. You deserve it. We all do. In fact, our culture needs it. Check us out.
A man with an erection is open to female direction. Women need to focus their attention at the beginning of mating and dating to make a difference at scale. Men can be led to do the right thing. “Flip the script with a little snip-snip?”
Thank you, “Sex and the City” and Alan Arkin, for all your advice on love, sex and family planning.
If you’re like most of us, beating the house when it comes to your sperm means either giving them a boost so they can make it to the end of the baby race, or killing as many as you can to make sure that’s one race you and your sperm always lose.
Whether you're a man or a mouse, it's all the same to a good vasectomy doc.
Unsure about a vasectomy? If so, watch “The Vasectomist,” which follows Florida urologist Doug Stein, M.D., around the world on his quest to “save the planet one vasectomy at a time.” Dr. Stein has performed more than 45,000 vasectomies in his career.
I’m sorry/not sorry: The idea that a modern woman, old enough to vote, some 60 years after the Pill still does not know how her vagina works, perplexes the man in me and should offend the “hear me roar” women in you.
Drake is more than woke to the problem of gold digging seed thieves and now he's fighting back, one pack of hot sauce at a time!
From the horse's mouth: The Planned Man's backstory and the reason we are here.
“A man with a vasectomy is precisely what I’m looking for, it automatically makes him so much more appealing to me! --Cate, 36