What does the Pill mean for Men, Manliness and Charles Darwin?
By Guy Shepherd

Imagine a modern woman— sexually  liberated and not on the pill—with a nose for the right guy to date and mate. That's a modern world made for men and women—and for the survival of the species. 

What does the Pill mean for Men, Manliness and Charles Darwin?


I owe metrosexuals an apology. Players need to play and the Pill changed the rules of sexual engagement.

There is a downside to being on constant pregnant-and-nesting mode.

On the Pill, women fall in love with a flavor of man who, when they get off the pill, they don’t want around.

Un-fun fact: Getting off the pill is directly correlated to martial dissatisfaction in women and divorce.

Yesterday, I was a little blinded by Mrs. Shepherd’s review of the scientific literature on the Pill’s impact on dating and mating.   It’s required reading. What follows is built on its factual foundations.

Hearing Dr. Shepherd, and then reading the scientific literature on the Pill was like going to the optometrist, and getting one last turn—the one that brings perfect pellucidity.

If you are a guy, the Pill is not your friend.

My mind immediately started applying its logic.  Here are five correlating thoughts that merit further testing in the Planned Man labs:

  1. Women are getting more beautiful and men more manginal.  This just might be a consequence of similars procreating at scale.
  2. Modern man’s sperm count is dropping.  The Pill and smoking are the likely candidates. This rings more true than global warming. It’s the all-purpose answer for everything that’s weirding.  Nature has a way of saying, “This should stop with you.”
  3. The late historical appearance of the gluten intolerant.  In the natural world, these folks would not have born.
  4. Convinced they are victims, women look angrier. This just might be the reason for the resting bitch face in women.

The undiscussed insight about the effect of the Pill on dating and mating has huge implications on how the dating-marriage-and-mating game is played and navigated.  It really flips the script.

First, I owe metrosexuals an apology. Players need to play and the Pill changed the rules of sexual engagement. Women on the Pill want smooth bodies and soft features like their own. They want runners, not lifters. In the age of the Pill, it’s just good strategy. You need to give women what they want to get want you want.

However, if you are a guy, the Pill is not your friend. Sure, you get sex without the oops. But there is a downside to being in constant pregnant-and-nesting mode: It increases anxiety and jealousy in your mate.  Those things that distinguish you as a good baby-maker make your partner insecure and territorial. It adds to a man’s misery index.  

On a personal note, I met Mrs. Shepherd in the wild. She was not on the pill. So she had a good nose for a man.  After getting on the pill, I think she liked the smell of me less.  Had I known that after having our kids—and me getting a vasectomy and her going off the Pill — that she liked her silverback gorilla more, I would have done it.  (Mrs. Shepherd, in my defense, I was not privy to this information until just recently.  Had I only known, mi amore).  

As you should know by now, Planned Man thinks that men should harvest enough of their man-batter in advance, get it tested, then put under lock and key in a freezer—and then get a non-scalpel, reversible vasectomy.  We promote it as an enlightened hedge on a man’s responsible pursuit of happiness.  (You can read more about it here).  In light of this discovery, some modifications are required, but even at an early age, the concept still stands. It’s in all men’s interests—even the Mangina, that distinctly neutered, incredibly sensitive, humorless modern male and the favorite of women on the Pill, to get it done.   

Getting a vasectomy early actually favors the Mangina more.

In fact, getting a vasectomy early actually favors the Mangina more.  The sexual marketplace of women favors his androgyny.  Having a vasectomy increases the likelihood of finding a mate who likes you for the Mangina you are. Before you you pop the question, she will invariably go off the pill and you can test to see if she still likes the smell of you.  If not,  you’ve just saved yourself a divorce.  You’re welcome. 

Sadly, too many bad Mangina pairings are discovered after a couple have had their allotment of 2.3 children and the man gets a vasectomy so his wife can go off the pill.  But when she goes off the pill and returns to her natural condition, it’s likely that she will not like the look and smell of her mate. 

What is a Mangina to do? He should suggest that his woman stop taking the pill, and she if she likes you before get the procedure. If she doesn’t like the look and smell of you, she should get back on the pill. 

Manginas have an interest in keeping their wives under the influence of the Pill.

Getting off the pill is directly correlated to martial dissatisfaction in women and divorce. So Manginas have an interest in keeping their wives under the influence of the Pill.  If she wakes up to smell of you and starts divorce proceedings, at that point you definitely should get a vasectomy. Or maybe a lawyer.

If you are a genetically fit, high-status man-in-the-making,  getting a V opens  a world of opportunities.  Yes, the marketplace of women may favor another flavor but high-status men also get more than their fair share. Still, even with the pill, women  date and marry the Mangina but they give it up to a man with good genes and who looks good in jeans.  With your swimmers safely stored in the freezer, you need not worry about hooking up with women who are not on the Pill and who, by nature, are more fun.  (We’re just speaking about pregnancy, not STDs. What happened to Tristan Thompson will not happen to you.)  Also, when a woman on the Pill hears that your guys are in a freezer, it ought to come across as an attractive long-term nesting accessory. If you find a woman who is on the Pill—which is most likely—and it gets serious, she can get off it and you can be careful while you see what her natural chemistry is like. If you are a Planned Man, she ought to like you more.  (And if you’re not a man, you’re definitely on the wrong page.)

Imagine a modern woman— sexually  liberated and not on the Pill—with a nose for the right guy to date and mate. That would be a modern world made for men and women— and for the survival of the species. 



To reach Guy Shepherd contact: [email protected]

For media enquires contact: [email protected]
