Cultural update: Do you smoke after sex?

If smoking a cigarette after sex is good, how does vaping or smoking pot after sex compare? Tweet

The topic at hand: smoking after sex:
Did anyone do it — smoking, that is — as good as Anne Bancroft in The Graduate?
And if it was good enough for Anne Bancroft and (probably) your Mom and Dad, does that mean it should be good for you, too?
We have to ask: “Does a cigarette make great sex even better?”
Assuming you are of a certain age, it’s almost a statistical certainty that as soon as your Mom and Dad did the deed, they lit up afterward. So of course, we have to ask: “Does a cigarette make great sex even better?”
And for a generation of mostly non-smokers, we also have to ask:
“Does a cigarette somehow make even mediocre sex seem better?
And if smoking a cigarette after sex is good, how does vaping after sex compare?”
Here’s Reddit user Taylor Kittenface’s take:
“Never been a smoker after sex, but I vape. The little bit of nicotine makes my orgasm go through the roof!”
And the science backs Taylor Kittenface up.
According to Pamela Clark, from the University of Maryland School of Public Health and the school’s Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science:
“[Nicotine] works on the same part of the brain as cocaine does.”
Of course, for many people today, “smoking” refers to pot, not tobacco, and only rarely to sex itself. So how does smoking pot affect one’s sex life? Findings are mixed, but here are some key points that will probably grab your interest:
- Many studies show that for many women, smoking pot before having sex enhances the experience
- On the other hand, other studies suggest that smoking pot can result in erectile dysfunction in some men
And if those two things seem contradictory (or proof of a surge in lesbian stoners)…
- Another study shows that those who smoke pot daily have 20% more sex than those who have never smoked pot.
And, for what it’s worth, sometimes smoking before sex works pretty well, too: