Second Sexual Revolution

Planned Man’s purpose is revolutionary. Our goal is to inaugurate the second phase of the sexual revolution, where men and women are equal partners in reproductive responsibility. Tweet

Our goal is to inaugurate the second phase of the sexual revolution, where men and women are equal partners in reproductive responsibility.
Men have a supply problem—too much sperm in the sexual marketplace. Having a child ought to be an intentional act.
The best and surest way to exercise that freedom is to order, fill and freeze a DADi kit—and see a urologist for a reversible vasectomy.
Ignorance and fear are what stand in the way of our happiness.
We don’t want to say things twice on subjects of shared concern to the sexes. Men have outsourced their contraceptive responsibility to women for too long. Truth be told, men have been free-riding on their ladies’ sacrifice, and it’s not working out well for us—PM’s aim is to make a business discipline out of telling it.
The PM’s purpose is revolutionary. Our goal is to inaugurate the second phase of the sexual revolution, where men and women are equal partners in reproductive responsibility. What is great for us as men has a dramatic upside for women, like the pill. In business speak, this is a win-win.
Men aren’t necessarily capable of staying true to the daily discipline of a pill, even if said pill were available. We’re more of a one-and-done type.
Sorry, Ladies and Gentlemen, there is not a Man Pill on the near horizon. Men aren’t necessarily capable of staying true to the daily discipline of a pill, even if said pill were available. We’re more of a one-and-done type.
Let’s discuss the problem we must address, before we get to the solution at hand. Men have a supply problem—too much sperm in the sexual marketplace. Oversaturation results in a big-risk spread. Risk can be minimized for everyone when decreasing supply in the market.
The trend lines are not in men’s favor. Men and women are reaching sexual maturity earlier, but we are pushing the window on marriage and children later and later. Men are seeing a 15-year window, as a result, where one unintended swimmer can change the trajectory of our lives—of two, other people. We are dealing with a sexual actor only as good his options, to make matters worse. Few consider where we stick our dinks—a feature of our nature.
What is a fun-loving boy to do? Morality isn’t the answer to this problem. There’s a biological urge within men in the heat of the moment—stronger than fear of thou-shalt-nots—and the natural consequence(s) of unprotected sex. Wise men know their limitations. Ours is an appeal to men’s enlightened self-interest. Having a child ought to be an intentional act between two, willing parties—surprises suck.
Wise men know their limitations. Ours is an appeal to men’s enlightened self-interest.
Accidental births can be devastating. Very rarely are they the result of a union with a sexual partner with whom either party would like to settle down and marry. We abort nearly one-million unborn children annually in the U.S. Few “accidental” parents stand up and get married; most of these couples struggle and fail. The social statistics of single-parent families are tragic—even with child support. Many personal, societal benefits would result if we address the root cause of this supply problem.
The best and surest way to exercise that freedom is to order, fill and freeze a DADi kit—and see a urologist a for a reversible vasectomy. Two steps and you free yourself. A little forethought, minimal pain and your future is yours to decide. Never again get the call saying, “I’m late.” And if you do, simply say, “Not mine.”
Ignorance and fear are what stand in the way of our happiness. It’s time to overcome and expel the devastating, stumbling block that impacts us all.
We concede that these measures lack a little romance. But remember, we are men—romance is the other side’s creation. Make it up to them with jewelry.
Man up, get out there and have fun!
Click here to read more about one PM editor’s experience of getting a vasectomy.
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