For Men’s Eyes Only: Our Post Roe v. Wade Future
For the past 50 years—there was little reason to talk about this. It was settled. Now it’s not. What will this decision mean in practice? This is my nonpartisan, factual primer attempt. Tweet
Absent of Roe v. Wade—organized women of the world—are going to expect more from men. What are they asking for?
Reversible vasectomies—not in the mid-forties and after kids—but early and as a form of male birth control.
The reversible vasectomy is a game changer of an idea for men, women, and society.
The operative pain is zero. And post operative recovery is minimal. A quick back in the saddle can be expected.
Roe v. Wade appears to be on its way to joining Dred Scott on the ash heap of Constitutional history. The court is changing its mind—not something it does often—and its doing so will have short and long term implications on the relationship between the sexes.
News alert. This is going to piss off women and expect to hear them roar. The full extent of the shitstorm has been muted. Mother’s Day week is not the best time for a full-throated defense of an ‘abortion-on-demand, everywhere’ right. It’s coming.
For the past 50 years—there was little reason to talk about this. It was settled. Now it’s not.
What will this decision mean in practice? This is my nonpartisan, factual primer attempt.
We are going to have to come to a political settlement for this problem before us. What the courts took-eth away from the political arena, they are lining up to punt it back.
First, the genie is out and not returning to the bottle any time soon. We are going to have to come to a political settlement for this problem before us. What the courts took-eth away from the political arena, they are lining up to punt it back.
What can be done?
Congress can pass and the President can sign a giveth back a law that reinstates the essential that the court is taking away.
What’s the common ground on which the American People meet and abide? Polling on this is helpful. The majority of Americans think abortion should be legal but have a hard time stomaching it after the first trimester. Rape, Incest, physical—as opposed to mental—health and the life of the mother is a shared common ground.
Sadly, and for reasons that are apparent, the prospect of this being settled on the national level is not likely.
Prior to Roe—this was an issue of state jurisdiction—and it is to that forum that it will return. What is to be expected from 50 laboratories of democracy? A range. The reddest of the red will have little to no access to abortion, and bluest of blues will go to the full 9.
Women within states that limit access to abortion can travel to states that offer the option. Interstate commerce will still be a constitutionally respected reality.
What about poor women in Mississippi? There is nothing stopping the creation of a donor supported, tax deductible charity to provide concierge travel service to the poorest of the poor.
Now what does this mean for men?
Your wife, daughter or girlfriend is your immediate, ground zero concern.
On this issue, her mind ought to be a known commodity. If she is Pro Choice/Abortion—and even if you are as well—the political and cultural temperature in your house and at parties is going up.
One of the reasons why abortion is an issue for women, is that they are the ones that get pregnant
What’s the cause of the drama? One of the reasons why abortion is an issue for women, is that they are the ones that get pregnant. Most of the times the obvious answer is the answer.
Yes, it takes two to tango—but this analogy doesn’t have equal legs. Men are a contributing—seminal—cause and with it comes moral and legal responsibility. But the fact of biology and family law is that a child grows in the woman’s custody. They are both disproportionately impacted and disproportionally concerned.
Absent of Roe v. Wade—organized women of the world—are going to expect more from men. In fact, they are already asking for it.
Here is the headline: Men need to get reversible vasectomies—not in the mid-forties and after kids—but early and as a form of male birth control.
Gentleman, our ladies are on to something. The reversible vasectomy is a game changer of an idea for men, women, and society.
Imagine walking into a doctor’s office when you are 18 and walking out with the knowledge that unintended pregnancy would not be in your future.
Imagine walking into a doctor’s office when you are 18 and walking out with the knowledge that unintended pregnancy would not be in your future.
No unintended interruption in your pursuit of happiness. Your abortion risk drops to zero. No woman that you come into contact ever has to worry. VDs maybe; baby never.
The cost of the procedure is covered by most insurance. It’s covered by Medicaid. Provided by Planned Parenthood for $100. The best vascetomist in the world, Dr. Doug Stein, charges $590. It’s a procedure that is in reach of all men.
The operative pain is zero. And post operative recovery is minimal. A quick back in the saddle can be expected. At least that was my experience with Dr. Stein’s capable handiwork—which you can watch for yourself. Guys, this procedure is nothing—watch my face getting the procedure here
If you were to walk into the good Doctor’s office asking him for this procedure before having kids, he would counsel you to fill up an ice cube tray of your best swimmers for another day. The cost of three kids worth on ice for life is less than a women spends on the pill and without any comparable side effects.
Based on my informal survey of mothers, they are cool with putting their credit card down for their grandkids.
Also, while it is good to have a reversible option, if you and your spouse want to reproduce the old fashioned, “Etsy” way, it’s worth remembering that the older you get, the slower your swimmers get, and less likely that what is being reconnected will be up the task. And let’s not forget, we are pushing off having kids later and later. The future of childbirth is moving towards the freezer.
Men of the world this is a call for shared responsibility that is so much in our individual and collective self-interest.
The upside of this can be more transformative than the pill.
Best, Guy
Here is a selection of thinking on the subject. More can be found here.