It’s time to rediscover Tucker Max—no, seriously.
Stay thirsty, armed and smokin’, my friends.
So how do you teach your kid, if not to fear death, then at least to respect it?
Yeah, you know you’ll need one for that DUI arrest and your divorce. But you may not be thinking about lawyers the way you should. Here’s a grown-up’s guide to legal help.
The cardinal sin of any first date — hell, any date — is boredom. Here are some shake-it-up ideas that will provide an interesting date whether you ultimately hit it off or not.
How to cure a hangover? Yes, not drinking too much is one solution. But let's skip that one...and move on to some real cures for fun people who like to have real fun by really drinking a lot.
Got a problem? Sure, you can try to hide it. Or like the guy behind Hannibal Lecter, you talk about your problem on social media just in case someone else sees your post and might have the same problem as you.
If you prefer the taste of burger over lighter fluid in your mouth when you eat, and would rather not eat to the smell of your own singed hair, then consider PM's four favorite ways to light your fire; with a tip of the fireproof glove to Elon Musk and Hitachi Magic Wand.
Is beer food? We asked the experts, and they gave us a lot of interesting ideas to digest.
Vegas for your next bachelor party? Or you could make sure it’s a bachelor party blowout that feels fresh and original, and something both the groom and groomsmen will remember for all the right reasons.
No really - they're all good for you: Smoking, having unprotected sex, watching a lot of TV, drinking heavily and getting stressed. Bonus health points when you do all these activities simultaneously.
The best things about the best things in life may not even be those things. If that sounds confusing, read on and discover a great lesson about the art of embracing rituals as an essential part of pleasure.
College was fun. We get it. But you’re an adult now and your place of residence needs to mature with you. Here are some simple upgrades to help you upperclass the joint.
Norman Rockwell was famous for creating some of the most iconic American art, artwork that celebrated American men and boys. And among friends, he was also famous for smoking a pipe.
Follow the misadventures of our man Guy. If anyone can find joy in a lost weekend, it's him.
"Best Cocktail Recipes" is subjective of course; for instance, this list doesn't include "Sex on the Beach" or "Sex in the Jungle" because we're trying to act somewhat mature. (But we do include a link to "Dirty, Sexual Cocktails" from Pinterest, just in case you need it.)
We're not talking about your dad’s beer here. He probably just wanted a mug of Old Style, and didn’t give a crap about “tasting notes.” But for better or worse, we live in a different world and when it comes to beer, here are the basics that every guy needs to know.
Even if you’re not a big boozer, keeping a decent bar for guests is always well-advised. Not sure what to stock up on? Don't worry about it, here's your shopping list.
The question, “What are you drinking?” isn’t meant to launch a philosophical debate. If you’re still unclear on your spirits, here’s your little cheat sheet.