Smart men know paradise isn't a place you can see by the dashboard light. It's the destination at the end of a carefully planned route.
So how do you teach your kid, if not to fear death, then at least to respect it?
News Alert: It turns out that the presence of a father in a home matters a lot. Good news: it does not require a lot. Just one thing: being there.
At the risk of sounding a little syrupy, I have to say one of the great rewards of being the father of daughters is hearing them giggle together late into the night.
Our reason is what puts us at the top of the food chain. We are born into this world weak, naked and vulnerable, but reason gives us a tool to exert our mastery over nature.
Few books stand the test of time. George Gilder’s “Sexual Suicide” is one of them.
The earlier your kid starts learning about money, saving, investing and personal finance, the better.
Revenge - The Case for and Against: Would anyone still be talking about "The Princess Bride" if instead of saying "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die," he had said "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to be forgiven"?
The cardinal sin of any first date — hell, any date — is boredom. Here are some shake-it-up ideas that will provide an interesting date whether you ultimately hit it off or not.
Sometimes it’s smart to judge people by others who hate them. That’s why we want to make sure you are paying attention to one of our heroes, Jordan Peterson.
Got a problem? Sure, you can try to hide it. Or like the guy behind Hannibal Lecter, you talk about your problem on social media just in case someone else sees your post and might have the same problem as you.
Looking back, I wish my Dad would have told me to go get a job at the local hair salon, sweeping up the hair and stocking boxes and folding smocks to benefit from being around lots of women in an environment that is all theirs, so I could watch, listen and learn.
Norman Rockwell was famous for creating some of the most iconic American art, artwork that celebrated American men and boys. And among friends, he was also famous for smoking a pipe.
Puberty is an exciting time for guys. Our voices get deeper and our muscles get bigger. But testosterone does something else: It makes our hair fall out. Time to face these nine follicle facts.
What's the best damn dog story ever? Hands down, it's "Old Yeller."
We know what you're thinking:"Why would I wash my own car, when I can take it to the carwash?" But let's be honest with ourselves: if you just take your car over to the carwash, you miss out on teaching your kid valuable lessons like these.
Romantic comedies are generally designed for female viewers, which is why too many men dismiss them. But don’t sleep on Moonstruck, a great film that serves up life secrets about life, love and sex and family with its genius.
If you’re like most of us, beating the house when it comes to your sperm means either giving them a boost so they can make it to the end of the baby race, or killing as many as you can to make sure that’s one race you and your sperm always lose.
The Godfather is a virtual manual of manliness
Our Guy makes it home almost in one piece. But fortunately one piece is all he needs.
Hold the cigars! When you don't know if you need a blue onesie or a pink one, it's best to just pause for a moment.
Teddy Roosevelt advises his son on the limits of sports in building character. We advise you to give it a moment.
Check out this video of Divorce lawyer Marilyn York talking about Fatherhood and its Importance of it in children's lives.
Woke advertising is out of hand and has gone too far...
We are products of our parents’ love and devotion, their vows to each other and to us. There is a world of difference between making a baby and being a parent.
Even though I’m a dad myself, I don’t know much...but I do collection of dad songs should include anything by John Mayer.