Be you! Just do it! But not at my expense or with my coerced blessing. To require those is to pursue tyranny and injustice.
Robert Woodson has a unique message of empowerment through personal responsibility. Thankfully, it's a message heard by more and more people.
Charles Evers, who died a year ago this month, is the great unknown civil rights hero, and what he believed is more meaningful now than ever
Yes, pride, greed, lust, envy, sloth, gluttony, and wrath sound, well, if not bad, at least entertaining. But the "new" sins of men today also need to be called out.
Regardless of where one stands on Justice Thomas’ personal or legal opinions, he is among the pantheon of black trailblazers throughout American history....
While "civil rights" may seem like a uniquely American concept dating back to the end of the Civil War, the history of "civil rights" actually begins with Homer. (Not Simpson. That other one.)
Even though he died of an overdose in 1966 at 39, Lenny Bruce's impact on comedy and free speech was profound; even if you find him crude or worse, you have to admire his testicularity.
A true story: Sigmund Freud's nephew fought discrimination against women by their husbands in 1929; he organized an Easter Sunday protest to force husbands to allow women to smoke. His protest went viral overnight, and soon women could smoke just about any damn place they wanted.
We know smoking kills; and we're certainly not suggesting that you take it up as a hobby. But we also miss all the great things about smoking almost no one talks about anymore. That's why we love the way Matt Labash from the Washington Examiner handles this reader's question.
John McWhorter teaches linguistics, philosophy and music history at Columbia University. He said, “I’ve been black pretty much for 55 years, and I know how black people feel...” You’re going to be very interested in what else he has to say.
Digital addiction: It takes vision to reclaim your family’s eyeballs. You wouldn't ever do anything to turn your kids into addicts, right? You wouldn’t give them cigarettes. You wouldn’t give them crack. Yet you give them your phone. And then a phone or their own. Hmmm.
The ultimate dutchie of a drug book: take a page and pass it on.
Substack is a godsend — the internet's great emerging forum for free thought and free speech.
CRT, radical ambition and the triumph of racist ideology.
Progressive media lynchers started as thugs threatening dim, cowardly CEOs. Now they're in the protection racket. That's progress.
American culture punishes the best and brightest in favor of feel-good social policies. Forget quality. Look at those quotas!
Wax argues “loss of bourgeois habits” – like completing school, getting married, and working hard – has “seriously impeded" the disadvantaged
'Woke' ideas are illogical – which doesn't matter, because they are based on emotion, not on rational thought.
Be 'non-racial' and proud, because the race by those who want to fragment and destroy our society is the only race that matters.
Take that mean tweet and put it in a sack with a cat. Shake it up. Then apologize to the cat for the tweet. And everything else.
Today, one of greatest of Planned Men is sharing his mind on the American Experiment with family and friends at his Idaho home—which according to the Doppler (84 and Sunny)—is getting the weather the following remarks deserve. You can read his remarks below.
A celebration we all can share!
Rare is the book that speaks to the moment with intelligence, verve, and moral purpose while highlighting, and reinforcing, enduring insights that have been all but forgotten
Bernie Goldberg talks with conservative black sportswriter Jason Whitlock about the piece they wouldn’t let him do on HBO’s “Real Sports.”