Want to be a pro poker player? Check it out with mom first.

The problem with advice from mom is that often she is right. But you may be the last one to realize it. Tweet

Moms and pro poker players go together like never.
So just because mom says get a real job, you don't have to fold.
Here’s the problem:
You may think you are a great poker player. And maybe you are.
You may think you’re so good at poker, that you should go pro. And maybe you should.
But it doesn’t matter how good you are, your mother is going to think your plan is full of shit.
So guess what?
Bluffing your way past mom is a great litmus test for an aspiring pro player.
No matter how good you are at bending the odds of your favorite game of poker in your favor, the odds that you can convince your mother that becoming a pro poker player is a good idea are going to be a hell of a lot lower.
So how are you going to bluff your way through that? Now’s a good time to find out.
Fortunately for all of us, the story of one poker player by the name of Daniel Couzens has been well documented going all the way back to 2009. By his mother. In The New York Times Magazine:
There’s a lot we can learn from Dan and his mom Lucy.
First of all, telling your mom that you want to be a professional poker player is a bitch. But Dan did it anyway. And that’s lesson #1:
If you don’t have the balls to tell your own mother you’re going pro, you probably don’t have the balls to win.
Lesson #2:
When it comes to your career, you might need a new mom.
Spoiler alert: Dan’s mom came around. Yours may not.
If your mom doesn’t come around, that leaves you two choices:
- Trust your mom’s instincts
- Or trust your own.
Your mom might be right. Or she might be wrong.
Time to man up and make the call.
If you think mom’s wrong, you don’t have to disown mom. You just have to find a way to agree to disagree.
Which brings us to Lesson #3:
In the end, Mom still might be right.
It’s your life. You should live it it.
But if you’re smart, you’ll learn to admit when you’re wrong.
Because if you can’t admit you’re wrong, you’re stuck doing the wrong thing for the rest of your life, instead of sucking it up, saying “Mom, you were right” and then moving on with your life.
Bringing this back to Dan, he’s kind of lucky.
He’s got a scoreboard online that helps him judge every day whether he’s right or Mom’s right.
But here’s the interesting thing, for both Dan and the rest of us:
At some point, if you stick to your guns, you might find that you lose faith in yourself and it might be your mom who’s standing behind you cheering you on.