See what you think of what I think...
What makes work fun is putting your shoulder behind things that are worthy.
The Pill affects a woman's natural factory mate-selection settings. It pharmacologically induces women to favor the Mangina as a date and as a mate. Call it "Pill-Vision."
My buddy is making his Planned Man debut with his first comment on the sixth Commandment—"Honor thy Father...". He shows what that Commandment means to all with eyes to see and without a whiff or sound of woe-is-me grief.
Smart men know paradise isn't a place you can see by the dashboard light. It's the destination at the end of a carefully planned route.
Necessity is reality’s needed judgment on human affairs. You would think that the partisans of the good would seize on it to support their good works. They don’t. It might be that necessity is a reality check of their musings and power.
Small mishaps can shed light on massive problems, as our man discovered when he forgot and left his laptop at home, then stumbled across an epiphany.
How to qualify a prospective son-in-law and see if he has the right stuff for your daughter? Ask him, “Are you a Communist?” and see how he reacts.
The female brain is approximately 3.125 times more complicated than our simple manly minds. A good thing, too.
Guy took our cause and went through the simple process that made it a plan — and did so on tape. Verdict: Easy-peasy, no reason to get queasy.
The pill is great, but a vasectomy is better. And cheaper. And more reliable.
GM&G — gray matter and grit — are the ingredients that combine to make all the successful fish big and all the ponds small.
PM breaks it down for you: One of the best investments you can make for yourself as a man is to put some of your sperm in the deep freeze, and then get a vasectomy.
Boyhood is our own private neighborhood of life, a great place to visit. It's where our best friends live and the place we've hidden all our secret joys.
The arc of history makes widows. The lives of the mass of men since the beginning have been nasty, brutish and short. Here's why that's good news for all of us.
When Bill Burr speaks, even wives listen. That's to our benefit, even if it makes us just a little anxious.
Become a Functionalist. 'Functional' is what works. The basic idea is that a solid ground for virtue, science and social policy ought to be defending and educating folks to be functional humans. Kinda common sense. Join us.
Neil Young and Joni Mitchell, the Adam and Eve of the '60s, are protesting again. Against what? Twitter censorship? China’s genocide against the Muslim Uighurs? No, something more ominous. Nice Guy, Joe Rogan.
Per-pupil school spending has quadrupled since 1955. Are our students four times smarter?
From the horse's mouth: The Planned Man's backstory and the reason we are here.