Even If You’re Not in Sales, You’re in Sales

If you want to become much better at what you do—whatever it is—the next thing you should do is accept that sales is a big part of it. Tweet
"Selling" isn't always about persuading you to buy something you don't really want or need.
At its best, it's about solving problems for other people.
My dad was a salesman—a damn-good one. He was always selling—to his customers, his friends, his wife and his kids. He didn’t think of it as selling though; he thought of it as problem-solving.
His customers had problems. My dad had solutions. Sometimes those solutions involved customers making a purchase from him.
He sold very large, earth-moving equipment for building highways and other, large, infrastructure projects. So when he made a sale, it was usually a big one.
But his customers’ problems often didn’t require a new piece of equipment—my dad was there to help anyway. Of course, when he came home at night, he didn’t help his wife and kids solve problems by selling them another Caterpillar backhoe either.
Sales does not always involve selling, or it doesn’t always entail what we traditionally think of as “selling.” In fact, sales often doesn’t even require sales people. Mostly, it’s just regular people—you, me.
You want to see an action movie, but your wife or girlfriend wants to see a chick flick? Your kid wants to play video games, but you think it’s time for homework? Your HOA is about to bust you for the color you just painted your house? These are all good times for sales.
In fact, if you pick up Business Author Dan Pink’s 2012, best-selling book, To Sell Is Human, you will discover three truths:
- Everyone is selling—all the time.
- Sales is not about selling; it’s about trust.
- You will become much better at what you do—whatever it is—once you accept that sales is a big part of it.
It’s now time for us to do a little selling: if you are interested in Dan’s book, we hope you will use this link to buy it, so we (as your trusted friends) can make a little bit from your purchase—without it costing you an extra cent, so we can keep creating more great content for you.
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