The Vasectomy Waiting-Room Tapes.
By The Editors

“A man with a vasectomy is precisely what I’m looking for, it automatically makes him so much more appealing to me! --Cate, 36

The Vasectomy Waiting-Room Tapes.

If there’s one way to become instantly more attractive to women—get snipped.

How do we know? We asked the ladies in the vasectomy doc’s waiting room. They dropped their copies of Field & Stream and said things like this:

  • A guy who’s had a vasectomy is a huge turn on. He’s taking responsibility; he’s thinking about me.” – Jill, 33
  • “I won’t lie. If a guy told me he was snipped, I’d be all over that!” —Tasha, 29
  • “I found out an ex just got a vasectomy, I briefly found him attractive again.” — Aniyah, 31
  • “My husband refused to get a vasectomy. He was like, ‘birth control is a woman’s job.’ So, we didn’t have sex for a year. And we split up.” –Nicole, 30
  • If a guy told me he had a vasectomy, I would probably hit him up at light speed. I’ve had two abortions. The main reason I don’t have sex right now is because men don’t have one.” Rebecca, 35.
  • “It amazes me that those same guys scared of getting a vasectomy will often be happy as clams to get a penile implant.” — anonymous
  • A man with a vasectomy is precisely what I’m looking for, it automatically makes him so much more appealing to me! — Cate, 36
  • “Men are pussies. A vasectomy is nothing compared to tubal ligation or childbirth. Be a man.” –Margaret, 44
  • “After our second child was born, I asked my husband to get a vasectomy. He did some research and learned that it’s way less invasive than a woman getting her tubes tied, so he had no problem. It was the best decision we ever made because our sex life has never been hotter. It’s great getting really into it and not having to hit the pause button to mess with a condom.” — Trisha, 42
  • “I know I’d jump a bone that couldn’t knock me up.” Eliza, 27
