The King’s Man shows shows that in the breast of every self-righteous-do-gooder is a tyrant clawing itself out and making messes. The rest is as they say is history. A history in need of the King's Man.
Bill Burr is the most “undeniable,” on-the-mark comedian of our cultural revolution. His diagnosis, prognosis and prescription are spot-on for what ails the feverishly woke American mind.
If we don’t want to lose our country, we need to wake up to the woke. We need to push back mightily against this vision of the world. The hour is late. (Part one of a series.)
This is the root of our American sexual dysfunction. Ladies, you don’t know or care to know your man’s best mind. If you did know your man’s best mind on things that concern you, you and he could be happier together.